JS Innovative Systems

Serving the Malibu, CA Area for 26 Years.

Septic Tank Repair and Maintenance in Malibu, CA

JSIS Maintenance and Services is certified by the city of Malibu, LA county, Ventura and City of Calabasas and provides yearly maintenance and services for those people that are required to have a service provider. We handle all the repairs, pumping and monitoring to keep the system in required working order.  We also maintain systems that are not required by their governing bodies, it makes it nice for the home owner that is not familiar with septic systems as they do not have to think about it. With proper yearly maintenance, it keeps the home owner from the big invasive and expensive repairs to their septic systems.

Proper maintenance of your septic tank is simple and doesn't need to be expensive. It will also protect the value of your property, keep you and your family healthy, and protect the environment as well.

A septic system that isn't in proper working order, or is in disrepair will lower the value of your property and could end up being a legal liability. Unusable septic systems can pose health risks because wastewater contains bacteria, viruses that can cause disease, and high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. When sewage from the septic system isn't being treated properly there can be contamination of groundwater causing infection and disease in humans and animals. Contaminated ground water from untreated household wastewater can threaten drinking water because in addition to the bacteria and viruses, toxic chemicals are released into local waterways and eventually running into rivers and lakes harming those ecosystems.

Regular maintenance of your septic system is relatively inexpensive as compared to the cost of repairing or replacing a broken or malfuntioning system. Typically, the average household septic system should be inspected by a professional at least every three years, and on average they are pumped every three to five years.

The main factors that determine how often your septic tank needs pumping are the size of your household, the amount of wastewater generated used by the number of people within the household, the volume of solids in the wastewater, and the size of your septic tank.

Septic Tank Care

Keeping your septic tank inspected and pumped regularly is the first step to properly caring for your septic system. Proper disposal of waste, efficient water use and maintaining your drainfield are all key to maintaining your septic system.

The drains in your home are not trash cans. Anything you pour down the shower, or bath, or grind in your disposal, or flush down the toilet will end up in your septic tank affecting how well your system works.
The only things that should be flushed are human waste and toilet paper.

Do not flush any household products or chemicals such as antifreeze, gas, oil, paint or paint thinners, or photographic solutions, or phamaceuticals, coffee grounds, cooking grease, waste products like cat litter, cigartette butts, condoms, dental floss, or paper products like paper towesl, flushable wipes, or feminie hygiene products.

Pouring any type of toxin down the drain will harm your septic tank and can kill the living organisms in your tank that are there to treat and digest the household waste. If your drain is clogged, use a drain snake or boiling water to clear it. Avoid using chemical drain openers. Limit the use of your garbage disposal. Scrape excess food in the trash instead of putting it down the drain. This will reduce the amount of solids, oils and fats that enter the septic tank that could clog the drainfield.

Water Efficiency

Wise and efficient use of water will improve the operation of your septic system and minimizes the risk of your system failing. In a single family home, the average indoor water usage is close to 70 gallons per day, per person. Toilet use accounts for approximately 25 - 30% of your water use. A simple way to reduce the volume of household water going into your tank is to replace older toilets that have reservoirs that hold up to 5 gallons of water to high efficiency toilets that use only 1.6 gallons per flush.

Another way to reduce water use is by using facucet aerators, high efficiency showerheads, and shower flow restrictors.

Proper use of your washing machine will also minimize the water flowing to your septic tank. Always select the proper load size. Do not wash small loads when your machine is set to a large load cycle. If you aren't able to select the load size, run only when you have a full load. Spreading your wash loads throughout the week instead of doing multiple loads in one day will give your septic tank time to treat waste and reduce the risk of flooding your drainfield.

Your drainfield is also an important element of your septic system. It removes contaminants from the liquids that come from the septic tank. There are a few things to do to keep maintain your drainfield.

Proper placement will keep excess water away which could stop the treatment process of the wastewater. Keep sump pumps, roof drains and any other rainwater drainage systems away from the area of the drainfield. Make certain any trees are kept the appropriate distance from your drainfield to keep roots from growing into your septic system. Never park or drive on your drainfield. Do not cover your drainfield with any hard surface such as asphalt or concrete. Grass is the ideal covering because it helps remove excess water and prevents erosion.